Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Week One 21 Day Fix

So I started the 21 Day Fix on Monday. I was terrified when I got the box in the mail. When I saw the containers I had a full on freak out. My poor boyfriend, I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to do it, that my old ED (eating disorder) habits would pop back up, that I would be hungry, etc. During my time with ED (my eating disorder) I was constantly hungry and I never listened to my body's cry's for food. So now, if I feel hungry I tend to freak out a little bit, so a program that makes me feel hungry was not gonna work. I Facebooked my coach, she sent me a pic  example of a meal she eats in the containers and then on a plate, it actually looked like a lot of food on the plate. So I stopped freaking out and got to planning. I am a type A personality, and I am also too busy during the week to worry about what I am going to make and bring for the next days meals, so I came up with a meal plan and shopping list (shared below). I went to the store got everything I needed and got to prepping. Once my food prep was done, I enlisted my boyfriend to take some 'before shots', ate some dinner and fell into bed, ready to start the week with a bang! 
Woke up on Monday, worked out and downed my shake. I felt so energized! I did not get hungry again until 10, when I had my snack. Before I knew it, time for lunch! Then afternoon snack, dinner and a bit of food prep. That is pretty much how my days have gone this week. I am happy to report that I have never felt more energized. Before the 21 Day Fix, my breakfast was a whey protein shake and banana. The energy I got from that is nothing compared to the energy I get from my Shakeology shake. I am going to be honest in my review on this blog though. The one drawback is that the shake kind of separates if you make it the night before. I figured out that if I add a bit of water, pour it into my shaker cup and give it a good shake it mixes back up no problem. So far the benefits are: energy, tastes yummy, not hungry throughout the day, super simple plan to follow. 
Cons: I miss my heaping tablespoons of almond butter :( , requires a bit of planning

Overall - super stoked on the program! 

Here is my week 1 meal plan. Let me know if you have any questions!

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